In a world filled with constant disruptions, the power of example has never been more important. In this episode of Int-Her-rupt, host Linda Yates welcomes Denise Jones to discuss the powerful impact of leading by example in personal and professional...
In a world filled with constant disruptions, the power of example has never been more important.
In this episode of Int-Her-rupt, host Linda Yates welcomes Denise Jones to discuss the powerful impact of leading by example in personal and professional settings. The conversation delves into Denise's personal experiences, professional insights, and the valuable lessons learned from her journey.
Discover inspiring leadership skills within this insightful episode!
Denise's Journey
Leading by Example - Influential Figures
Effective Leadership Traits
The Impact of Positive Interruptions
The Power of Positive Leadership
Navigating Challenges and Poor Leadership Traits
Lessons from Interruptions
Denise shares her valuable insights and experiences, underscoring the transformative impact of leading by example and the enduring influence of positive leadership in personal and professional realms.
Join Linda Yates and Denise Jones in this enriching conversation as they explore the profound impact of leading by example, navigating interruptions, and fostering positive leadership traits in both personal and professional spheres.
“I've always been taught, and took me a little while to learn it's not what you say. It's how you say it. And it's literally coming to the table with new, not necessarily better all the time, but with new ideas, new thoughts again, even if it's close to what they were sharing prior, which is my own little Denise isms or twist on it that stems from my experience in the industry that we're in. Like I said, I don't claim to know it all. I'm open to learning, but I will share my knowledge, my historical background, and what has and hasn't worked.” - Denise Jones.
If this episode connected with you, reach out to Linda and let her know. This podcast is produced by TSE Studios. Check out other podcasts by TSE Studios, including this episode’s sponsor, The Sales Evangelist, helping new and struggling sellers close more deals and achieve their sales goals. Subscribe to the IntHERrupt Podcast so you won’t miss a single show. Find us on Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Spotify, and Stitcher. Audio created by Ryan Rasmussen Productions.