This week, the Int-HER-rupt podcast brings you a conversation between our host Linda Yates and women’s leadership expert Helen Appleby. They discuss some of the issues that face women in business, and how to find a role model or mentor who can guide...
This week, the Int-HER-rupt podcast brings you a conversation between our host Linda Yates and women’s leadership expert Helen Appleby. They discuss some of the issues that face women in business, and how to find a role model or mentor who can guide you along your personal journey. Appleby has worked in six different countries, led a billion-dollar company, and is now an executive coach, author, and podcaster, sharing her journey with women all over the world.. Take a listen, and check our resources to connect with her - she just might be the role model you’re looking for.
Appleby’s Background
Superhero, Role Model, or Mentor?
How do you find a role model or mentor?
Quote: “On our own, we can figure stuff out… but if you do it by yourself, you can tend to stumble through. Having mentors, which are a bit closer than role models, can be a career accelerator.” - Helen Appleby
Check out the episode, where Yates and Appleby go into more depth about why role models are so important, what to do if your role model disappoints you, and what to do if you get interrupted!
Helen’s book, The Unwritten Rules of Women’s Leadership, is available on Amazon. Check out her podcast of the same name and so much more at her website, You can also reach out to her on LinkedIn. You can reach out to Linda and let her know how this episode relates to you. This podcast is produced by TSE Studios. Check out other podcasts by TSE Studios, including this episode’s sponsor, The Sales Evangelist, helping new and struggling sellers close more deals and achieve their sales goals. Subscribe to the IntHERrupt Podcast so you won’t miss a single show. Find us on Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Spotify, and Stitcher. Audio created by Ryan Rasmussen Productions.