Building alliances in the workforce is critical in finding an environment in which you can work successfully. Today on the Int-HER-rupt podcast, Linda is joined by the founder of , Olivia Roehm, to discuss how you can build strong alliances and...
Building alliances in the workforce is critical in finding an environment in which you can work successfully. Today on the Int-HER-rupt podcast, Linda is joined by the founder of The C-Suite Edge, Olivia Roehm, to discuss how you can build strong alliances and relationships in your professional life.
Why is building effective alliances important?
How has Olivia personally created those alliances?
Has Olivia broken off or set boundaries in an alliance?
Where do you feel is the easiest place to start building an alliance?
And Olivia been interrupted? And how has she overcome those interruptions?
Having leadership that will back her up and says, “This is not okay, we're not accepting this within our relationship,” is an excellent sign of a strong alliance. Cultivating those relationships has made Olivia’s life career stronger because she understands where the respectful disrespectful boundaries lie in the workplace.
Want to get in contact with Olivia? Connect with her on LinkedIn.
Do you have stories to tell? Connect with Linda to share them. This podcast is produced by TSE Studios. Check out other podcasts by TSE Studios, including this episode’s sponsor, The Sales Evangelist, helping new and struggling sellers close more deals and achieving their sales goals.
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Audio created by Ryan Rasmussen Productions.